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About the County of Oswego IDA:


The County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency’s mission is to establish and implement sound economic development strategies in order to enhance the economic vitality of Oswego County’s businesses, industries, communities, and citizens, leading to an overall better quality of life.

Key to the Agency’s mission is the creation and retention of job opportunities, diversification and strengthening of Oswego County’s economic base, and developing the local economy in a planned, organized, and environmentally compatible manner.


  • To create new employment opportunities through the attraction of or the creation of new businesses;

  • To create new employment opportunities through the expansion of existing businesses;

  • To retain existing employment opportunities;

  • To enhance and encourage capital investment by new and expanding businesses;

  • To increase the County’s tax base;

  • To help stabilize and diversify the County’s local economy;

  • To help facilitate the development of essential services or businesses generally lacking in the County;

  • To recognize the importance of the overall multipier economic impacts of projects;

  • To target financial assistance to key industrial clusters critical to the County’s economy, including manufacturing, health care, education, tourism, energy, and agribusiness;

  • To support the nuclear industry in Upstate New York through the Upstate Energy Jobs Coalition;

  • To leverage the greatest level of private and non-IDA financial assistance as possible;

  • To coordinate efforts to help improve the competitive position of businesses and spur initiatives that help to improve the overall business climate;

  • To work cooperatively with local governments, economic development partners and school districts to further economic development progress;

  • To advance Oswego County's economy through regional cooperation and collaboration;

  • To enhance media and educational outreach initiatives; and

  • To improve the quality of life in Oswego County.


  • The issuance of Private Activity Bonds (tax-exempt or taxable bonds) to finance eligible manufacturing and commercial projects. The issuance of Civic Facility Revenue Bonds (tax-exempt or taxable bonds) to finance eligible not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations' projects (subject to authorizing NYS legislation).

  • To help support and work cooperatively with the Oswego County Civic Facilities Corporation to help finance eligible not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations' projects with Civic Facility Revenue Bonds.

  • The issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds for pollution control facilities.

  • The issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds for other projects that are eligible for financing in compliance with federal and NYS legislation.

  • Providing to eligible and qualified businesses exemptions from real property taxes, sales and use taxes, and mortgage recording taxes consistent with the County of Oswego IDA's Uniform Tax Exemption Policy and in compliance with NYS legislation.

  • Providing financial assistance to micro-enterprise businesses utilizing the County of Oswego IDA's Micro-Enterprise Economic Development Fund.

  • Partnering with IDAs and EDOs in CNY to support the CNY REDC's efforts to secure CFA funding and utilize URI funding.

  • Providing financial assistance to eligible and qualified businesses utilizing the County of Oswego IDA’s PILOT Economic Development Fund and HUD Economic Development Fund.

  • Utilizing the County of Oswego IDA's General Economic Development Fund to enhance economic development initiatives and strategies.

  • Providing financial assistance to eligible and qualified businesses utilizing the USDA Intermediary Relending Program (IRP).

  • Serving as a conduit, as appropriate, to apply for and secure Federal and State government grants and/or loans for economic development projects.

  • Providing interim financing for eligible and qualified businesses that will be receiving permanent financing through the SBA 504 loan program in cooperation with Operation Oswego County, Inc.

  • Assisting in acquiring, constructing, and renovating necessary and appropriate real estate, working in cooperation with Operation Oswego County, Inc., to enhance and further economic development, including industrial park properties, incubator facilities, speculative buildings, and sites, etc.

  • Collecting and distributing PILOT payments to taxing authorities in accordance with the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.

  • Complying with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) on all projects assisted by the County of Oswego IDA.

  • Working in partnership with government, education, labor, business and economic development agencies to maximize development potential and sustainability of the economy in Oswego County.

  • To be in compliance with all reporting and policy requirements specified by the NYS GML, NYS Office of the State Comptroller, NYS ABO and the NYS PAL.

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Amended and Restated By-Laws (Adopted June 28, 2023)

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Board of Directors:

The County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency has existed since 1973 as a public benefit corporation authorized by the State of New York to function as an economic development and financing authority. The IDA has an administrative services contract with Operation Oswego County, Inc.

Board appointments are made by the Oswego County Legislature. Terms are open ended.

  • Nick Canale, Jr.   (Chair), Appointed June 13, 2013
    Professional Background: President of Canale's Restuarant; Vice President of Canale's Sauce Company; member of Canale's Italian Take Out LLC

  • Marc Greco (Vice Chair), Appointed MArch 16, 2022
    Professional Background: criminal justice instructor at Cayuga Community College; Oswego County Legislator, current chair of the Legislature's Public Safety Committee and current member of the Legislature's Health Committee

  • Tim Stahl (Secretary/Treasurer), Appointed December 13, 2018
    Professional Background: Director of Oswego County Department of Community Development, Tourism & Planning

  • Patrick Carroll, Appointed March 14, 2024
    Professional Background: Former business manager, United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 81

  • Tricia Peter-Clark, Appointed September 15, 2022
    Professional Background: President/Chief Executive Officer at ConnextCare; former Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer at ConnextCare.

  • Mary Ellen Chesbro, Appointed March 14, 2024
    Professional Background: Oswego County Legislature, District 10; current Chair of the Legislature's Economic Development and Planning Committee and current member of the Legislature's Public Safety Committee; member of Emmel Farms; former Coordinator of NYS Fair Agriculture Department

  • Garry Stanard , Appointed March 14, 2024
    Professional Background: Town of Volney Supervisor; Managing member of Gosch Supply and Lighting Centre


  • Governance: Date established: 8/28/2024

           Members: Nick Canale, Jr. (Chair), Pat Carroll, Mary Ellen Chesbro, and Garry Stanard

  • Audit: Date established: 8/28/2024

           Members: Marc Greco (Chair), Nick Canale, Jr., Pat Carroll, Tricia Peter-Clark, and Tim Stahl

  • Finance: Date established: 8/28/2024

           Members: Tim Stahl (Chair), Nick Canale, Jr., Mary Ellen Chesbro, Tricia Peter-Clark, and Garry Stanard

Executive Management:

  • Austin Wheelock, CEcD
    CEO, County of Oswego IDA
    Professional Background: CEcD certified through IEDC; serves as Executive Director of Operation Oswego County Inc.; has over 16 years experience in economic development.

  • Kevin LaMontagne
    CFO, County of Oswego IDA
    Professional Background: Business Finance Director for Operation Oswego County Inc.; has served as a CFO and has extensive experience in finance and operations at small- to medium-sized family-owned firms, as well as international businesses; former member and past president of the Operation Oswego County Board of Directors.

  • Bond Counsel
    Barclay Damon LLP

  • General Counsel
    Kevin Caraccioli
    Caraccioli Law, PLLC

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Financial Assistance Programs:

The County of Oswego IDA may provide financial assistance to qualified business applicants in the form of (A) issuance of tax-exempt or taxable revenue bonds, or by participation in straight lease transactions for purposes of conferring real property tax, sales and use tax, and/or mortgage recording tax exemptions or (B) financial assistance to eligible participants from one of the IDA's four Economic Development Funds (EDFs).

(A) Application for Financial Assistance*: used to apply for tax-exempt and taxable revenue bonds or tax exemptions. This application is also used to apply for any and all of the state-authorized incentives that an IDA can use to encourage and enhance economic development, including exemptions for real property tax, sales and use tax and/or mortgage recovery tax.

*Application is a fillable pdf. If it opens in a browser window and is not fillable, download the file and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

(B) All of the EDFs are structured whereby debt service or lease payments are deposited into the appropriate and segregated EDF fund account to be available for other eligible businesses. Guidelines vary between funds due to programming requirements.

Application for the IDA Economic Development Fund Program: used to apply for the EDFs listed below.

  • PILOT EDF: was capitalized from a portion of PILOT payments in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Oswego County Legislature in 2015;
  • HUD EDF: capitalized from repayments of HUD-funded loans, projects must meet HUD low/mod income requirements to be eligible;

Application for the Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) used to apply for the EDF listed below.

  • USDA IRP EDF: capitalized from a loan from USDA and matching funds from the IDA

Application for the Micro Enterprise Loan Program (MEP) used to apply for the EDF listed below.

  • Micro Enterprise EDF: targeted for loans to graduates of the Micro-Enterprise Training Program sponsored by Operation Oswego County, SUNY Oswego and the IDA. A micro-enterprise must employ (5) five or fewer employees. Capitalized from a HUD grant and matching funds from the IDA.

Fee Schedules:

Application for Financial Assistance
Application Fee: $500        Administrative Fee: 0.75 percent of project cost

Application for Economic Development Funds
Application Fee: $100        Administrative Fee: 1.00 percent of financial assistance

Annual Administrative Reporting for S/L Transaction Projects Only
Application Fee: N/A        Administrative Fee: $500

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Annual Reports:

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Performance Measures Reports:

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Budget Reports:

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2022 Press Releases:

  • May 25, 2022: County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency to Hold Special Meeting

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In accordance with New York State General Municipal Law article 18-A, the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency was formed on April 25, 1973. Section 911-b constitutes the enabling legislation for the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency.

Section 911-b: County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency:

For the benefit of the County of Oswego and the inhabitants thereof, an industrial development agency, to be known as the COUNTY OF OSWEGO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, is hereby established for the accomplishment of any or all of the purposes specified in title one of article eighteen-A of this chapter. It shall constitute a body corporate and politic, and be perpetual in duration. It shall have the powers and duties now or hereafter conferred by title one of article eighteen-A of this chapter upon industrial development agencies and provided that the exercise of the powers by such agency with respect to the acquisition of real property whether by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, shall be limited to the corporate limits of the county of Oswego, and such agency shall take into consideration the local zoning and planning regulations as well as the regional and local comprehensive land use plans. It shall be organized in a manner prescribed by and be subject to the provisions of title one of article eighteen-A of this chapter. Its members shall be appointed by the governing body of the county of Oswego. The agency, its members, officers and employees and its operations and activities shall in all respects be governed by the provisions of title one of article eighteen-A of this chapter.

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IDA Audit Reports:

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Austin Wheelock, CEcD
CEO, County of Oswego IDA

44 West Bridge Street
Oswego, NY 13126
Tel: (315) 343-1545
Fax: (315) 343-1546
email: ooc@oswegocounty.org

IDA website: www.oswegocountyida.org

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